
PHYSICAL EDUCATION QUOTES FOR TEACHERS image quotes at relatably.com

At Lakeside, we want to create a life long love and commitment to physical activity and being healthy.  We aim to develop the skills needed to participate in a variety of different sporting activities, including instilling good sportsmanship.  Through the development of skills and applying these we aim to improve resilience and perseverance, if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.  Providing children with the skills and opportunities to be leaders, will equip them for other leadership roles in life. Children will be able to identify when they have achieved and when they need to continue to develop a skill and use this a positive for self development..   The explicit teaching of different sports will facilitate the children’s experience of competition and sport as a whole, leading to future interests and understanding of these.  The children will have more awareness of their bodies and how sport can have an impact on this.  They will understand what a balanced diet is and the importance of this and exercise for a healthy lifestyle.  An understanding of the mental and physical benefits of PE and sport will be developed.  Teamwork will be developed and children will enjoy communicating, working together and competing with each other. 


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