Religious Education

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tau

At Lakeside Primary Academy we aim to help children build an understanding of different faiths and values, to promote tolerance and develop an appreciation of different ways of life. We use the Derbyshire and Derby City Agreed Syllabus for our planning and assessment. The document is reviewed and developed on a five-yearly cycle. We are currently following the syllabus for 2020-2025.  

At Lakeside, RE helps children to develop key skills and competencies to live in the wider world. Classroom lessons and discussions are safe spaces which allow children to reflect, communicate and exchange conversation in a mutually respectful way. Through engaging debate, children can learn how religion impacts people’s lives and choices and helps them to develop a sense of personal identity. RE at primary level can prepare children for adult life and help them to foster the idea that difference of opinion shouldn’t divide us in society. We acknowledge key religious festivals in our whole school assemblies and events, including parent workshops and whole school celebrations. 

Through all of this, our children ASPIRE in Religious Education! 


RE Statement: Parents have the right to partially or wholly withdraw their child from RE lessons but must arrange a meeting with the Academy Principal to discuss this first.


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